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2018年9月16日长春september 16th Changchun

2019-09-28 17:08 文章来源: 上海试管婴儿 作者:好孕天使

  Activity content: The Marketing Director of the China International Market of Payatai Second International Hospital gave a detailed introduction to the situation of Phyathai 2 InternationalHospitalfrom the adjustment of eating habits, preparation before IVF, and matters needing attention in IVF. The doctor made a professional and careful introduction to how to enhance the success rate of IVF.

2018年9月16日长春september 16th Changchun

  活动流程:Activity process

  9:00-9:30 嘉宾签到,入场就座Admission
  9:30-9:35主持人上台,讲解会议背景The host gets up on stage to explain the background of the meeting
  9:35-9:45好孕天使董事长讲话CEO of Hooangel.Co.,Ltd makes a speech
  9:45-10:30海外辅助生殖趋势介绍及泰国试管婴儿介绍Guests sign in and enter the venue
  10:30-10:45茶歇时间tea break
  10:45-12:00一对一专家咨询Expert one-on-one consultation and Q & A